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You record a user and an account for your energy accounting.

Please enter if company

Please enter, if the billing address differs from the above address.

Please enter, if the billing address differs from the above address.

Please enter, if the billing address differs from the above address.

Please enter, if the billing address differs from the above address.

Necessary. We will use your email address if you have forgotten your password and if we have any problems with the system. You have to confirm your email address afterwards.

Is necessary for Second-Factor-Authorization: Form e.g. +41 56 123 45 67

Necessary. 150 characters or less. Only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_. You can also enter your email address.

The password must not be similar to other personal information nor to be common, must contain at least 8 characters and must not consist entirely of digits.

Version: Private at the price of CHF 0.00/year plus VAT

If you order a paid version: After sending the order you will receive an email confirmation of your order and an invoice.

Your subscription is valid for one year. If you do not cancel your subscription 10 days before it expires, it will be automatically renewed for a further year.